Tips To Keep Caviar In Its Best Condition
Storing caviar
Remember that caviar is very perishable. An unopened can or jar of caviar stays fresh for up to four weeks but once the jar or can is opened, it will only stay fresh for three days. 28 to 30 F is the ideal temperature for storing caviar. Most of the household refrigerators do not reach this temperature so make sure you place the caviar in the coldest part of your fridge which is the bottom most drawer. Yes, the freezer is the coldest part of the fridge but keeping the caviar in there will destroy its delicate texture. Once the caviar jar or can has been opened, minimize the caviar’s exposure to air by wrapping up the container with plastic before storing it inside your fridge.
Serving caviar
When it is time to serve caviar, remove it from the fridge ten minutes prior and let it stand at room temperature before serving. Remove the lid just before serving. You may transfer the caviar to small bowls to eat or even consume it directly from the container. You can even put the container on crushed ice in order to prolong the caviar’s freshness. You can even find several decorative caviar presenters on the market specifically for this purpose.
Caviar spoons
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